Victoria Day Hockey Weekend with Trish Thornton (Ep. 2 of 3)
Varna. Ever heard of it? Me, neither. Not until I drove past it awhile back. It’s a blink-and-miss ‘burgh, 45 minutes west of Stratford.
…Trish Thornton’s great, great aunt, Eleanor, knew Varna. Her pappy was a travelling preacher. Eleanor would often say, “Varna was always home to us.” (Apparently, she said the same thing about many other Ontario towns.)
A guy named Brian knows Varna really well. He lives there. He’s a preacher of a different sort. Also, he knows hockey.
I talked with Brian about what he thinks will happen to the NHL. Then I talked to Trish. She has a few predictions. (By the way, my view: the next time we see the NHL, it ain’t gonna look like your pappy’s. Or your daddy’s. It’s in big trouble.)
(Later today: our 3rd and final installment. We’ll talk “theatre.”)
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